Girl, Please.....

let go of "failure pressure" & embrace freedom 💗

freedom, motivation, encouragement, positivity, empowerment

Life gets busy! I get it. Trying to get everything on your "to-do" list can sometimes feel overwhelming. But here's the thing......prioritizing leads to promise. Notice, it doesn't say anything about making and keeping promises to other people. This promise is all about YOU!

Girl, please stop getting weighed down and distracted. Instead allow yourself to operate in grace & self-love. Then you can see the areas in your life that pressure you into letting go of your own dreams. Failure pressure in this sense is when you've allowed situations / expectations to pressure you past your breaking point. That moment in time when you're so bogged down with the obligation's others have placed on you that you don't have the mind nor time to focus on your own dreams. Instead, it's time to be free to embrace and reclaim your freedom!

Tips to escape pressure that block your performance.

~ Start your day with a list. Differentiate between what needs to be done, what you'd like to get done, but could delegate. And then list items what can wait for another day. Here's an example: ( )

~ Start reminding yourself of your successes, too many times, we miss moments of inspiration and motivation because we're dwelling over things from our past.

~ Start being intentional about your thoughts, stay possitive! Again, using your journal...write down your favorite words of motivation & encouragement.

~ Start saying " No." That's right, "no" with a period, not question mark, no exclamation. Just say it and mean it.

~Start being ok with not being the one to save the day.....That kind of pressure keeps you in a cycle of trying to prove yourself to others and needing someone else's approval.

These are just a few suggestions I've used for myself and for many of my clients. There will always be opportunities to be distracted, that's normal. With a little determination and discipline, you're able to turn those situations around. But then there's situations when others' expectations become the driving force behind many opportunities missed and before you know it your dreams are on the shelf. It's because of this we need to evaluate our truth and honestly assess the best ways to let go of those things that don't belong. Here's a few things to consider:

~ Other people's plans don't belong in the forefront of our agenda.

~Other people's words don't have to become your words.

~ Other people do NOT have control over your decisions.

~ Other people have no right to your time (Not those for whom you're responsible, balance and planning would be helpful)

Overall, please stop trying to do everything, for everyone and missing out on yourself. Take some time to for yourself, remain encouraged and focused, you'll get there!

I hope you enjoyed this snippet, from my upcoming book FocusForward . Be sure to share, comment, and subscribe.


Yummy Burger


Hope through the disappointment..