Bow Out Gracefully

Bow out gracefully, that's what my mentor has always said to me. Leave the situation, dignity intact and let things be the way they are to be. Walk away from trying to make people respect you, agree with you, care about you or even see you. If they do, they do if they don't, they just won't. Walk away and respect yourself enough to accept folks for who they are. Not everyone is going to agree with you, they may not see things your way but you're not here for them. As a child of GOD our only audience is the kingdom of GOD. If you're not causing the trouble don't entertain the trouble!

Now, I know we all can go through tough times. Each of us can meet folks that "rub us the wrong way" and often those folks are the iron that sharpens iron in our lives. We can grow through many situations that may cause us to stretch in life. I'm really referring to those seen though wisdom, that are exposed in the spirit of causing confusion and seeking to offend and condemn. Those that try to steal your joy & peace. I often remind myself to "bow out" when I've tried every point possible to "help someone" who in truth doesn't want nor do they see the need for help.

Those who are intent to cause trouble ..... will cause trouble. It's really just that plain and simple. We've lived enough to know people know the difference between kind and unkind behavior. As Maya Angelou said, " when people show you who they are, believe them". Doing so, dismisses a need to change people, to "make people" or force people to see things from our perspective. And it will keep us, if we let it, it will keep us from getting offended. This offense can distract us from the path GOD has for us. My mom was big on drilling that idea of conscience and watching how people act the way they act. She would tell me to be so confident in GOD that we are not shaken by the behavior and words of those round us. She'd say " they didn't make you and they can't break you!"

Bowing out gracefully leaves the need to explain and "agree to disagree" at the door. It allows you the freedom to let GOD change what needs to be changed in the situation. We can move out of the way so GOD can have HIS way. Bowing out allows us to show respect & regard for all parties involved and trusting GOD enough to fix it, because us trying to tell people, explain our view and being offended can often lead us to dishonor GOD in the handling of the situation. As 1 John 4:1 reminds is we are to "test every spirit"; in other words, pray and allow GOD's wisdom to guide you. When you're led to leave it alone, leave it alone. If you're led to persevere do so allowing GOD to lead your steps, bottom line you would do best to let GOD show you & lead you. Remember, what GOD has for you is for you and you don't want to give away your peace...

2 Thessalonians 3:16 -

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.


Hope through the disappointment..


Drunken Forgotten Noodles 😋